My 2022 Mind Movie – Cause to Reflect on 2021


I know it is kind of hokie, but Mind Movies have been kind of pivotal on my spiritual journey. There lots of ways to do a good, cheap digital vision board now (Canva, PowerPoint, GoogleSlides), but I have had my MindMovies access for over 7 years so I keep going back to it. In the margin, you can click to get some premade movies for free.

I loved vision boards long before I knew they were called vision boards. Collages were my favorite projects in school and I made the most of my grandparents’ National Geographic subscription for school and every other magazine for my vision boards.

My 6 year old, instinctively made one for his letter to Santa this year. I would walk into a room to find him sprawled out on the floor grinning and staring at it. Too cute!

So I thought I would share my Mind Movies from 2021 and 2022. It is kind of embarrassing to put this out there, but thinking about it got me to reflect on what I did accomplish this year:

I had stopped working to be a stay-at-home-mom for a few years and was able to get hired back where I worked “before Luke” at a higher level, in a position with a lot more growth potential at the University of California, San Diego, as a project manager for Alzheimer’s disease drug trials. I trusted my instincts to stay at home and I trusted my instincts to leave my part-time job at my son’s preschool. I am so grateful for my sobriety which keeps me connected spiritually!

Quarantine made me JUMP and hire a voice coach! I cut 2 demos to be able to audition as a voice actor – MY DREAM JOB! Want to hear them? Go here: YIKES!

I responded to an email from (you see their detox, free book and Quit Sugar Summit in the right margin) and now I am a volunteer social media manager and moderator of a support group once a week! This has been very educational as it relates to running an on-line business. I have been pleasantly surprised to have found some genuine connection as the result of this endeavor.

I also went all in on an ANNUAL membership at my local group Pilates studio! This was my reward to myself for “getting a real job.” It felt like a lot of money, but I am going 5 or 6 times a week for almost a year now. This has helped so much with the pain I get from sitting at a computer all day as well as with my sanity while working at home during COVID. I haven’t lost the weight and my eating has been up and down this year, but I am doing Pilates regardless. Yay, me!

A lot of other things happened in 2021, too. But you get the gist. I highly recommend taking a few minutes and reflecting on how you showed up for yourself in 2021 to boost your momentum for showing up for yourself in 2022.

Enjoy the videos!

My 2022 Mind Movie
My 2021 Mind Movie

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