Coming Up for Air….


I know that each of you leads a full, busy life full of blessings – so you probably haven’t missed me at all, but I have missed writing with you in mind J

In late March, I had a long-awaited surgery to fix a hole in my eardrum (WARNING: Don’t do that ear clearing thing on planes). It had been repaired before, so I thought I knew what I was in for, but this is supposed to be a permanent repair so I had NO idea what I was in for. It is the middle of May and I am JUST starting to get some hearing back in that ear. I was humbled, a little afraid and very much brought to my knees.

My mind spun out of control and I struggled just to keep up with the bare minimum at my day job. The only way I could tolerate the world was listening to something through an earbud in my good ear and laying down. The weird thing was that I couldn’t listen and work at the computer. My brain was so taxed and my need for sleep made me very afraid that I was sinking into depression. With a little bit of hindsight, I can see my body was healing and that I was very fortunate to be working from home so I could get horizontal whenever I needed.

Conversations with God

What did I put in my ear? I re-listened to the entire Conversations with God series by Neale Donald Walsch on YouTube (I make good use of my Premium subscription – no ads and I can listen with my phone OFF). Then I moved on to re-listening to A Course in Miracles on Audible, which I am still listening to now. 

CWG, as it is affectionately known, is a light, fun easy read and listen. The fun part of listening is that the voice of God switches back and forth between a man (Ed Asner) and a woman (Ellen Burstyn).  Highly recommend.

I am so grateful I had the 4 weeks doing the 12 steps for sugar under my belt as I went through this healing journey. I hope the participants got something from it that each needed, too.

Free Checklist for Spiritual Seekers on the Sugar Sobriety Journey

As I am coming up for air, I was inspired to put together a free checklist for us spiritual seekers on the sugar sobriety journey. I would love your feedback on it. Just hit reply and give me your edits and ideas, please!

I would also love to offer you a personal prayer. If you like, respond to this email and let me know you would like a prayer. You can let me know what the issue is or not, as you like. I will respond to you with a recording and the text of my prayer for you. One minute, max.  Why?  Because I can’t stop thinking about it (which usually means I should do it). We cannot do this alone and so many of you have been there for me.

Enjoy the freebie and I hope I get to say a little prayer for you.




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