I recently shared the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous here: https://sugarsobriety.com/a-simple-listing-of-the-12-steps-of-alcoholics-anonymous
During my early sobriety, I investigated several recovery support programs and found value in each of them. As such, I want to provide links to the other programs I visited when I was contemplating sobriety and newly sober. Alcoholics Anonymous has the largest network, but in the age of the internet, they all have on-line resources.
What I know for sure, is that most people can’t stay sober and get “sane” without a good, ongoing program of recovery. Physical sobriety is easy compared to emotional sobriety. We didn’t become addicted to drugs, alcohol or sugar JUST because of genetics. We become addicted because we do not have sufficient coping strategies to deal with life’s challenges. This very much includes sugar (sex, TV, gambling, shopping, etc).
Even if sugar addiction is your only addiction, I feel there is value to learn a bit about each of these programs to understand what sobriety from substances entails. If you know of others, please share in comments and I will add them to this blog post.
Women for Sobriety: http://womenforsobriety.org/beta2/
Life Ring: http://lifering.org/
SMART Recovery: http://www.smartrecovery.org/
Alcoholics Anonymous: https://www.aa.org/

Hi Michelle,
thanks for sharing your stories and resources. I hope your readers may also explore Triggr Health (https://triggrhealth.com/) as another creative and effective approach to addiction. It was co-founded by my very smart son-in-law who is committed to making a difference with this serious problem facing so many people, families and society in general.
Hi Campbell! Love following you on FB. So proud of you and your family. I will definitely check out triggrhealth.com. Lots of love!