My Thoughts on Step Two: Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity

Ahhh, Step Two….  This step just cuts right to the heart of the issue.  Here are my thoughts on what Step Two “means.”  CONNECT HERE Let’s start at the end – INSANITY.  What is meant by insanity is the picking up of (a drink, a dessert, a drug, a poison) when you don’t want to … Read more

Step One: Powerless Over Sugar

I remember the impact it made on me when I heard, “the only step I need to do perfectly is Step One.”  As a recovering perfectionist, being told I should be “perfect” in admitting my powerlessness and my inability to manage my life HURT.  Now I understand that admitting my powerlessness and admitting that my … Read more

About Michelle Herman and Sugar Sobriety

At the age of 45, I woke up.  After grieving my mother’s death, I realized that my husband and I were unlikely to realize our dream of having children.  Wondering what life had left to offer now that all of my parents were deceased and no children to raise, I embarked on a multi-faceted spiritual … Read more

What Does Sugar Addiction TREATMENT Look Like?

Sugar Addiction Donuts

If we accept that sugar is addictive, that it is a disease, then we might accept that is warrants treatment. Using alcohol and drug addiction treatments as a model, what would sugar addiction treatment look like? First, let’s review what defines an addiction. Second, let’s review the most common alcohol and drug addiction models. Third, … Read more

Drinking Less or Not at All in the New Year

The beginning of the year challenges us to look at our lives with an eye for what we might like to change.  For many, that includes alcohol consumption.  The disease of alcoholism is a progressive, terminal illness with no clear-cut treatment.  However, not everyone who wants to change their drinking behavior is alcoholic, are they?  … Read more

A Course in Miracles Basics #2: Principles of Miracles 11-20 and On-line Support for Doing the Workbook in 2018

In no way do I intended to cut-and-paste the content of A Course in Miracles into my posts. However, the list of 50 Principles of Miracles really is must-read material, so I will put 10 of the principles into a blog post for 5 weeks along with some other “must-have” materials related to A Course … Read more