Whether you are looking for a gift for a spiritual seeker, a sober friend or someone interested in nutrition or keto, I have some easy and affordable ideas to share.
For the keto-curious or the sugar addict:
Check out the just released The Case Against Sugar
by Gary Taubes for $11.00.
For someone ready to delve into keto to improve health:
Check out these programs at healthfulpursuit.com:
Play it safe with The Keto Beginning digital download for $35.00. It is also available as an audiobook with downloadable recipes for $25.00
Go a little bigger with The Keto Bundle for $67.00. The bundle, also digital downloads, contains The Keto Beginning and Fat Fueled, another 30-days of meal plans PLUS tons of support to tweak keto for YOUR individual needs. Also available as an audiobook.
And if you prefer a paper book rather than a digitally downloaded one, Leanne Vogle, the brain behind HealthfulPursuit.com came out with The Keto Diet in paperback this year.
For the spiritual seeker, or even better, the sober spiritual seeker
Gabrielle Bernstein is a premier teacher of A Course in Miracles and an addict in recovery. Pre-order Gabrielle’s book due out January 2, 2018 Judgement Detox: Release the Beliefs That Hold You Back from Living a Better Life for $15.59. If you pre-order, you can get a free on-line course by going to this site with your receipt number: https://gabbybernstein.com/bookgift/
Last year’s book, The Universe Has Your Back appeals to students of ACIM as well as the Law of
Attraction an is $13.90.
Ready to Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet???
Check into this awesome on-line vision-quest tool, Mind Movies for $97. I personally credit this tool to a myriad of positive changes in my life! Click the really happy lady to the right to go to the Mind Movies site.
Want to Try Eating Keto without Researching a Bunch of Recipes?
I guaranteed these are delicious whether you are keto or not! Try Real Good Pizza and Keto Kookies. Real Good Pizza is carried in an increasing number of grocery stores for about $6.00 for a personal sized pie. Yummy and you are welcome!

Hi, Michelle! Thank you for providing these resources…I have been using IF and Keto since July 2017 and my whole perspective on sugar, food and nutrition in general have radically changed for the better.
That is amazing, Terri. Good luck going into your first big holiday season with keto and IF (intermittent fasting, for those who may be curious). You are my hero! Happy holidays and a prosperous 2018! Michelle
Hi Michelle,
I didn’t know much about the Keto Diet prior to reading your article. It is great to know that it’s about eating sugar free and gluten free. I have several friends who look for gluten free options and this could work for them.
I also know those who are diabetic and need to control sugar. I fall into that category. I research and write about healthy living. I will definitely read the Keto Diet book to learn much more. Thank you.
Hi Lorrie – YES, keto is sugar and gluten-free and SUPER healing for diabetes. Many people are able to lower or stop medications after some time eating this way. Both the Real Good Pizza and the Keto Kookie are great options for people eating low sugar and/or gluten-free even if they are not all-in for low-carb/keto. They really are yummy. Happy holidays and a most prosperous 2018! Michelle
Those books sound great. I’m especially interested in “The Universe Has Your Back” – great thoughts for the coming new year that I’ll have to check out. Thanks!
Love the post, all great gift ideas, especially these days when we’re surrounded by fast food and reasons to neglect exercise (cough* cough* netflix) at every turn. I’ve heard wonders about the KETO diet, the restaurant I bartend at had a special keto diet menu a month ago, and everyone that was on it said they felt so much energetic and in a better emotional state as well. Thanks again! 🙂
Thanks, Jarod! Where is that restaurant?? What a super cool idea to have a KETO month! Though eating out keto is pretty simple. I’ll blog on THAT later. And YES, keto is SUPER healing for mood and memory. Cheers! Michelle
This is a post offering excellent off the “norm” gifts for the holiday or any other celebration. Anyone in search of discovering their purpose in life would love these products.
Thanks, Maurice! Happy holidays and a very prosperous 2018! Michelle
Thank You,
I appreciate and enjoyed your friendly approach to sharing last minute gift ideas,, so many of us are always looking for a healthier diet since it is known now how much our diet affects our health and happiness in our lives.
There are so many diets which overwhelms many people today, like the information you share and the reasonable products.
Hi Jeffrey – Thanks for chiming in. I’m glad you found the recommendations helpful. Keto is super simple – don’t let all the hype out there confuse you. You are my kind of guy: KISS – keep it simple, silly! Happy holidays and a most prosperous 2018! Michelle