About Michelle Herman and Sugar Sobriety

At the age of 45, I woke up.  After grieving my mother’s death, I realized that my husband and I were unlikely to realize our dream of having children.  Wondering what life had left to offer now that all of my parents were deceased and no children to raise, I embarked on a multi-faceted spiritual … Read more

What Does Sugar Addiction TREATMENT Look Like?

Sugar Addiction Donuts

If we accept that sugar is addictive, that it is a disease, then we might accept that is warrants treatment. Using alcohol and drug addiction treatments as a model, what would sugar addiction treatment look like? First, let’s review what defines an addiction. Second, let’s review the most common alcohol and drug addiction models. Third, … Read more

Recent Articles Worth Reading If You Enjoy This Site

The glory of Google Alerts, Twitter and friends that care is that you can be quite efficient in staying on top of issues that matter to you. Issues that matter to me and this blog: sugar & alcohol addiction, spirituality and the ketogenic diet. The connection among these issues may not seem straightforward, but it … Read more

Keto Basics Series #3: 3 Foods to Cut; 3 Foods to Add

If you are new to the ketogenic way of eating, you are probably wondering what you can and cannot eat.  Generally speaking, eating keto means eating lots of yummy, wholesome, UNPROCESSED, REAL foods.  Today in the Basics Series, I will review 3 foods that are musts to cut and 3 foods that are musts to … Read more

Links to 4 Not-for-Profit Recovery Support Programs

I recently shared the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous here: https://sugarsobriety.com/a-simple-listing-of-the-12-steps-of-alcoholics-anonymous During my early sobriety, I investigated several recovery support programs and found value in each of them.  As such, I want to provide links to the other programs I visited when I was contemplating sobriety and newly sober.  Alcoholics Anonymous has the largest network, … Read more